Monday, February 2, 2009

Sorry, you are not my [blood] type!

A conversation in a Japan's night club, could go something like this:
Boy: Hey there, what's your [blood] type?
Girl: I am a A, and you?
Boy: Sorry, you are not my type [literally]

Japan, as advanced as it is - is apparently obsessed with blood types of people

In the year just ended, four of Japan's top 10 best-sellers were about how blood type determines personality, according to Japan's largest book distributor, Tohan Co. The books' publisher, Bungeisha, says the series - one each for types B, O, A, and AB - has combined sales of well over 5 million copies.

Some employers are discriminating on assignments to employees based on the blood type! Even children at schools are reportedly grouped based on blood type!

I used to laugh at Linda Goodman's Joke books, still do! But this Japan obsession is no joking matter at all, this is really at the core racism. On second thoughts, we need another word for it - because the color of blood is really the same.

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